3 Steps to Slowing Climate Change — An Ode to Incrementalism

Written by NORPAC team | Jan 18, 2022 3:39:52 PM

To create change, people often look to take giant steps. When these big changes do not happen, these same people are surprised—and discouraged from making future efforts. Therein lies the benefit and joy of pursuing incremental change.

If you are interested in impacting climate change through consistent, incremental choices, we have assembled a guide to help.

Demand action:
Many people feel frustrated by their role in the current state of the planet. After all, individuals are told to recycle the smallest plastic scraps, all while companies pollute major waterways with countless gallons of toxic oil spills. As an individual, though, one of the greatest steps you can take is to lobby for change.

This is more than attending one climate protest. It’s about putting consistent pressure on government leaders to create legislation that does the following:

  • Protect the planet
  • Penalize irresponsible corporate behavior
  • Implement tactics to protect against rising sea levels, forest fires, and other symptoms of climate change
  • Reward companies for sustainable practices and reduced carbon emissions

Post on social media: 
Leverage your pre-existing network. Sign petitions. Write to your representatives. Join a group. Attend protests. Run for office yourself—any action makes a big difference!

Money talks:
Where do you choose to spend your dollars? Some corporations engage in practices like unsafe oil drilling and deforestation, activities that are spurred on by consumer dollars. Try to prioritize spending money with companies that support earth-safe, low-carbon practices.

Companies participate in processes that are lucrative for them. If pillaging the planet is no longer lucrative, there’s a better chance they will stop. Boycotting and using your money as leverage is your right as a conscious, ethical consumer.

Cultivate your green thumb:
The planet, with all its complex biodiversity, is smarter than we give it credit for. It is self-healing unless damage occurs faster than the earth can heal itself. Planting trees, wildflowers, and other plants are a great way to help the earth heal.

Start by planting trees:
Nine out of ten people breathe polluted air, which causes illness and death. Trees counteract pollution by serving as natural filters, which remove carbon dioxide, toxins, and other pollutants from the air. Trees also serve as natural guardians, providing safe habitats, preventing erosion, and ensuring biodiversity.
Planting wildflowers and other plants are also important. These plants serve as a home and food source for many pollinating insects, including bees! Most crop plants require pollinators to grow and thrive. When pollinating insects have a home, it ensures food sources for future generations.

There are lots of incremental changes you can make to help slow climate change. At NORPAC, we are doing our part by producing high-quality, low-carbon, recyclable graphic and packaging papers.
We are in the business of preserving forests, not destroying them. To learn more about what we do, check out our products today!